Wednesday 15 April 2009


Yesterday me Felix and Greg had a wonderfully pretentious day in London, which involved art galleries, eating at the genius that is Leon, and watching Greg do a medium format shoot at Hampstead Heath (Which by the way, involved a trek reminiscent of PGL circa 2001)

Today I've been (slowly) trying to get all this photography work done as the holidays are almost over and I have just been partying this whole time.

This easter has been really good, I saw Bloc Party at Olympia the other night, which was just incredible. At their best for sure, I'm now excited for reading fest! Their set list was perfect, and the atmosphere and energy was huge, they really pulled off playing such a big venue.
Me and Rob were even guestlisted for the after party, which is pretty brag worthy.
I also saw Manchester Orchestra for the third time at the Barfly with Rob Lucas and Finbarr (we'll get to him later) which was lovely. We were gutted they only played new material, but as a live act they are phenomenal so they are forgiven for the bad set list choice! Plus the new album as amazing (check out Shake it Out for a taste - Andy Hull's vocals are wow.)

Also been to a bunch of parties which have been wicked, as well as one really shit one. On top of that, we've watched almost every episode of Scrubs and Friends ever. We're cool right?

As for Finbarr, he's been back in the UK since the 4th which has been super cool. He stayed at mine for a couple of nights and I loved watching some of my favourite movies with him (reppin' The Beach) It has been great, if not so strange seeing him! He's going home in a week or so though which sucks, but hopefully I'll get to see him before he leaves.

I have work tomorrow which is good. Why you ask, because my money is running out so fast! I have had to put driving lessons on hold for a couple of weeks which sucks. I really need to get my fundz up so I can afford to do some traveling this summer, pass my driving test and hopefully even go on tour with Terrible Lizard so I can do a sweeeeet BTS shoot.

I'm also going to Give it a Name (DON'T YOU JUDGE ME) on sunday which my 13 year old self is excited for, as Taking Back Sunday and UnderOath are playing. But even better, seeing 65daysofstatic again next weekend, which I am SO EXCITED FOR.
Also got Cole's party friday, gig tomorrow and London saturday.
But in the mean time I will be hoping I can get a shoot done on saturday and that I can get all my other work done as it is ONLY 8 WEEKS TILL EXAMS.

I am currently entering classic panic mode.

What a long and dull blog!

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