Sunday 26 July 2009

Plugging and stuff

So I barely ever blog anymore. I think maybe it's because my blogs tend to be really self obsessed, self indulgent and like, moany.
But now that college is over and summer is in full swing I don't have much to complain about. Which is good. Or maybe it's just because I don't have anything interesting to say.

Anyway, I've decided to start making youtube videos and vlogs. I feel like this is kind of the next step for me, as I am fully involved in pretty much every site out there, I blog, I tweet, I facebook and myspace, I e-mail, I Ebay, I Etsy, I Dailybooth, and I watch endless videos on Youtube, as well as following loads of vloggers. So I just wanted to get involved really.
my channel is,
5 stars to anyone who can figure out the meaning of the name ;)
i've already had 12 views on my one video that I uploaded a few hours ago! yayyayaya
oh dear

I think I'm actually an addict,
addicted to the internet, always seeking a new site to join and post on and upload on and creep on. Always looking for the next fix, haha.
Speaking of which, I love Lookbook. Someone, PLEASE, INVITE ME!

Anyway, recent escapades include going out for Johns birthday (Brie and Budweiser are such a high five combo) maximising the movie channels in the living room, spending too much time with Rob, talking to Felix in the late hours, dreaming of travels, becoming more and more nervous and realising that I am unprepared for uni and my course, drinking and drinking, getting excited for my birthday, and making plans for August. The best month of the year? YES MAYBE.

Also, True Blood? Awesome.
I have always had a thing for vampires, it's increasing at an unhealthy rate.

ps I just heard someone describe the Twilight series as 'literary crack'. Genius.

Monday 6 July 2009

A positive blog

Exams and college are all over. I cleared last week with Mark and it was all very relieving and enjoyable. Kind of sad I guess, I never felt a connection to, or connections in high school, as my high school was hell, and all my growing up was done outside of school, so I think I'm kind of feeling what everyone else did when they left school. If any of that made sense.
Clearing was also good as it meant the English Dept were having a clear out so I got loads of free books :) Always a good thing.

That and recent purchases means I have already read, The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway and The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, and am currently reading The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and On the Road by Jack Kerouac. It's all gooooood. Next is The Winter's Tale, I love Shakespeare.

Other than reading, now that college is over I've been partying quite a bit. The leaver's ball is pretty notable, embarrassing pictures are all on facebook. Also went to see Brand New at the Forum which was amazing. I haven't actually seen them before and they were pretty staggering. A great setlist if not a little heavy on the new stuff. Play Crack The Sky was amazing, I cried a lot. haha. Definitely glad they're playing Reading fest.
Anyway the partying has caught up with me and I've been pretty ill these past few days. So I've been at home chilling with One Tree Hill box sets and loving it.
Almost better though, so that means good times ahead. I'm 18 in a few weeks so that's exciting. I think me and Felix/Rob might be able to do some travelling before we move to Uni which would be amazing, and is and exciting prospect.

I also went out for a family meal last night. My family are pretty bizarre, and pretty italian. So these nights usually consist of me getting quietly drunk on free drinks, and last night did not disappoint. I soon came home and watched Twilight. That's become a bit of a ritual when I have to come home alone and drunk. It doesn't happen often but it's kind of nice. It must sound kind of weird though...

I'm thinking about starting to make videos and put them on YouTube. I'm kind of undecided though.

Anyway, it's half 2 in the morning and I'm pretty gone. So this is over and out.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

increased markets and trade opportunities

Currently sitting downstairs in my empty house with all my politics revision.
Just sitting with it.

The cat is lying right across the floor with it's legs everywhere and it's eyes closed, perfectly expressing how I feel.

I hateeeee this.
Why do I only write blogs when I'm supposed to be revising?
I think it's because I ban myself from going out, and tell myself that I'm going to revise but then I don't, so then there's nothing left to do at 2:43 on a Tuesday afternoon other than write blogs or watch Loose Women. And I refuse to lower my intelligence to that level.

Also I almost just spelled 'write' as 'right'.
That's how dead/dying I actually am



Only three days left of exams then I'm completely free.
Except I won't be completely free, as I can't drive and none of my stupid friends can afford to do any travelling

this is officially a self indulgent depressing blog.

I wish I was the cat, my only worry would be if my mum would let me sit on the sofa.

Friday 5 June 2009


and not the good kind.

Currently sitting around ignoring the revision tabs and the looming timetable. Instead am checking all the sites I haven't looked at in a million years, like 43 things, haha. And reminiscing with Soulwax's Any Minute Now.

Exam period also means loads of time off, which this time round has meant,
installing a basketball hoop to the side of my house and playing with the boys in my life, black nails, catching up with V, accidently showing Mark my nipple about 3 seconds before breaking the arm off of one of Jes' chairs (literally the most embarrassing 10 seconds of my life right there) playing bass, shopppppping for the leavers ball, getting in to arguments with people who think it's a good idea to go to the leaver's ball in a PURPLE FIRE ENGINE, wasting money, the mtv movie awards obviously, maxing out the short bursts of british sunshine by drinking beer in the parks and getting very burnt, oh and a very much oversized denim jacket that belonged to my Dad in the 80's.

Good stuff, however the next two weeks will be very bad stuff, however the following three months will be the best stuff.

Monday 1 June 2009


Today, sat down to take my first exam. Everyone was ready to start when it was suddenly made apparent that I was in the wrong place, or at the wrong time..I definitely don't do Biology...

my exam is actually tomorrow.


Tuesday 19 May 2009

Breakfast club

I will always love you!

The scene where the group sit in a circle and tell each other why they're in detention was entirely ad-libbed, as was the joke that Bender tells whilst crawling through the ceiling!


Also they were going to do several sequels, of the group coming back together every ten years or something. That would have been so good/so bad!
Almost as brilliant/terrible as Grease 2.


I got a press pass to photography the band The View the other night and it was so good! So much fun.
Hopefully my friend John will be helping me set up a site in the not too distant future and I'll be able to start getting some of my work online, and then in turn getting more work! Of course I will be linking it all up. I actually did some nature photography as a favour to someone the other day and it went surprisingly well.

I bought my ticket for the college leaver's ball yesterday, and I should be getting my clearance form tomorrow (as in to clear from college) and it all feels so weird! I know it's predictable but it's all gone so fast. I had so much fun at college last year and I've made such good friends. But I'm glad it's nearly over. The good times and the friends will last, so that means I can be glad college life is coming to an end. We've had our leaver's photo and all our AS subjects and Art subjects have finished, this is the last push and the college atmosphere is so awkward, I think everyone is just really exhausted, needing it all to be done with. I know I am. I am so excited for the summer though.
Travel plans are still somewhat up in the air, but I'm sure it will all work out.
In fact especially as I may have a new job as a Music Analyst! (on top of my much loved place at Game)

After the summer it's uni time, and thats what's most exciting. English and American Literature/History and Philosophy of Art Joint Honours. I really can't wait.

Also I just saw the Jackson Rathbone stuff on the Nylon site, where has he been hiding all that cute?!

I am now off to try and force myself to do Politics revision
And by that I mean, watch Freaks and Geeks.