Tuesday 19 May 2009


I got a press pass to photography the band The View the other night and it was so good! So much fun.
Hopefully my friend John will be helping me set up a site in the not too distant future and I'll be able to start getting some of my work online, and then in turn getting more work! Of course I will be linking it all up. I actually did some nature photography as a favour to someone the other day and it went surprisingly well.

I bought my ticket for the college leaver's ball yesterday, and I should be getting my clearance form tomorrow (as in to clear from college) and it all feels so weird! I know it's predictable but it's all gone so fast. I had so much fun at college last year and I've made such good friends. But I'm glad it's nearly over. The good times and the friends will last, so that means I can be glad college life is coming to an end. We've had our leaver's photo and all our AS subjects and Art subjects have finished, this is the last push and the college atmosphere is so awkward, I think everyone is just really exhausted, needing it all to be done with. I know I am. I am so excited for the summer though.
Travel plans are still somewhat up in the air, but I'm sure it will all work out.
In fact especially as I may have a new job as a Music Analyst! (on top of my much loved place at Game)

After the summer it's uni time, and thats what's most exciting. English and American Literature/History and Philosophy of Art Joint Honours. I really can't wait.

Also I just saw the Jackson Rathbone stuff on the Nylon site, where has he been hiding all that cute?!

I am now off to try and force myself to do Politics revision
And by that I mean, watch Freaks and Geeks.

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