Monday 24 November 2008

live, boots and hating uni

Today I found out that I have been fooled into thinking this uni course was 'the perfect course' turns out it isn't.

Why would i want to do four years? four years is lame.

But i found some nice boots today and i think i might buy them tomorrow, even though they are extremely difficult to put on.

Earlier I met a very nice italian man who had these incredible medium format cameras, looking on ebay now I am SO tempted to bid...

I have also recently obtained Ableton Live, which by the way is amazing.
Hopefully roberto will actually do some cool stuff with me and it, give my life some meaning, so i can eventually stop listening to him talk about all the incredible female drummers at acm, which makes me hate life, and in turn talk about how incredible I am at being a fake mac based musician.

Also Paul Smith 'Rose' actually smells exactly like roses. Whooda thought it.

Some guy I used to know YEARS ago just found me on facebook. Creepy, but also hilarious considering his profile has been spewed over, with statements such as 'loving his bbe girl tiff allways' HA. He is also now even more tubby, and looks even more like he has some kind of disorder.

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