Monday 12 January 2009

New Year, New Everything

So much has happened, and I haven't blogged in so long, mainly because for some reason I couldn't sign in

So this is probably going to be one of those boring 'this happened then i did this then this happened' blogs. But I wanna get it all of my chest so here it goes anyway.

New Year was shit. It's always so hyped up and sometimes it goes that way, like last year at South Bank in London, that was so good. But this year was shit. Kind of a semi house party with a few close friends, everyone got drunk and pissed off, and I got depressed. The bad drunks. Whatever.

Back at college which sucks. It's worse than ever and I hate the atmosphere that's lingering over the site at the moment, probably a mix of exam stress, the coldest january in history, and maybe people are starting to realise we're not in High School Musical and none of us ACTUALLY like each other. Talking of exam time, oh shit. I'm literally fucked.

I have a bunch of new year's resolutions which I'm hoping to follow through, but we shall see.
Talking of the coming year, I am extremely anxious/excited for all this uni stuff. I have an interview for a fine art course (which is so scary as I need to create a portfolio) and I got an offer for an amazing english course which although I don't know the conditions of yet, I am sosos excited. I got a couple of other offers as well but I'm not interested in those! haha

Also, the most exciting development of all - Finbarr is coming back over to England! I am so happy and excited! He's going to be here for three weeks in April and he's going to be celebrating his 18th and looking around uni's... which means he could be back in the country in a year and a half! So exciting. I spoke to him on the phone the other night and it was just so good to hear his voice, i've had butterflies for two days! haha

Anyway this is really boring. I'm now going to watch a rubbish film and not thing about my Environmental Science revision.

Currently watching: Kyle XY (for shame)
Currently excited to watch: Gossip Girl Season 2, 90210 (for shaaaaaaaame)
Currently excited to hear: New Glassjaw and Alexisonfire albums
Currently mourning: Destruction of the Astoria

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