Sunday 18 January 2009

Zavvi, Whittard, Woolworths

All closing down in my local shopping centre, making Woking even more of a typical Surrey suburb.

It's still kind of sad though, many a day were spent causing a raucous with our absurd antics in that shopping centre when we were still full of energy, and knowing that the town is changing and developing almost as much as we are is very symbolic.

In other news, I hate Edexcel. (The examining board)
Revising for two modules from LAST YEAR is horrid. Knowing that the current AS students don't even have to do one of these is even worse. CHEERS EDEXCEL.
So it's official I am going to fail, especially now, mid revise, I started to write a blog about shopping centres.

I went to see Twilight the other night, much to my shame and embarassment. In my defense, I read the books when I was very young, plus I am a huge Catherine Hardwicke fan. (Lords of Dogtown is one of my favourite films of all time) I actually really liked it, as usual, Hardwicke's casting was genius, and the camera work was inspired. And I won't lie, Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen is such a dream. Not that that wasn't already obvious.

Also, I got tickets to see 65daysofstatic again in April, which is absolutely fantastic (thanks Mark!)
And aaaaaaaalso I have almost secured a part as an extra in a new Michael Caine film, which is very exciting!

I am supposed to be working loads on some experimental photography, for my portfolio to bring to my Fine Art Interview, but I haven't even had a chance to start yet, not to mention how uninspired I am in terms of what to shoot. I am really pushing it for time.
Basically, I have no idea why I spend so much time talking and writing about all these things I have to do, instead of actually doing them.
I really need a kick up the arse.

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