Monday 23 February 2009

"reading week"

was the most uneventful week of my entire life. genuinely.

I did not leave the house once. Me Rob and Ross played Kingdom Hearts II (epic) Resistance 2 (epic - for an fps)
and that was about it.
Oh, and we ate so much food. SO MUCH FOOD. and made hash brownies, which were a failure.

Now it's college time again and i've take the day off
I don't even know why, it's not like I need to relax. All I've done is watch 6 episodes of Freaks and Geeks, not that I'm not complaining.
Thank god Felix woke me up this morning by calling me otherwise i'd almost definitely still be in bed.

Also I lost out on two pairs of incredible vintage shoes on ebay in the early hours. In literally the last five seconds. I am so angry! they were perfect. One pair were these gold gladiator things, that reminded me a lot of those Marc Jacobs boots that Alison Mosshart always wears. The other were white booties, that reminded me of pegasus from Hercules. I stayed up til 4 am for those babies!
They were both so beautiful - I hate ebay!

All of this time wasting is causing me to fall oh so behind at college.
I came back to this an hour later and I still haven't done any homework or catch up. Unless you count catching up on new Heroes and 90210. Also i've been meaning to watch The City....
do some work

as if.

I might not go to college tomorrow.
I might also tell my photography teacher that someone died or something which is why I haven't done THREE SHOOTS.


Also I'm afraid of getting old and having a saggy cleavage.

one exciting thing that did happen this half term - I got two conditional offers from Kent Uni!
320 ucas points for English and American Literature with Creative Writing and a Year Abroad (which is sort of what I'm preferring at the moment) and
260 for Fine Art (which would be amazing, although is moving from the Canterbury campus to the Medway campus, which isn't the campus i fell in love with... )

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