Monday 8 December 2008

City of God

is an awesome awesome film I watched the other night at my good friend Mark's house. It is genuinely amazing, I loved the use of people from the slums who had never acted before, and how a lot of it wasn't scripted, and how it really was based on a true story
I'm really loving world cinema at the moment, in fact I have a copy of Oldboy in front of me which I'm very eager to crack open. I'm already a big Park Chan Wook fan and this is his most famous work so :)

I'm currently excited about a photography project i'm working on for Unit 5, or 3? Whichever it is. It's going to be a series of polaroids, between 20 and 50 I think. All of which will be of petrol stations and large corporations. Coming from the phrase 'consumer culture replacing traditional values' which is now forever etched in to my brain after all the work i've done for it.

However I am definitely not excited about being recruited into this really awkward secret santa...
I wouldnt buy presents for half the people involved...

Also one of my favourite bands of all time, 65daysofstatic have got their own flickr:
every one of their photos is as genius as every one of their songs
and I wish I had taken every one of the photos, as I wish I had created every one of their songs.

I've got some of those wonderful mitten things where you can fold down the mitteny but to fingerless gloves, this makes for good times on the cold walk to college in the mornings because I can fiddle with my ipod
not that that walk can ever be good.
As grateful as I am for these lovely accessories, I don't want winter anymore!

I've got loads of stuff going at the moment, and loads of stuff I really want to write about. But I'm going to curb it for a while and get all my thoughts in order. I shall be investing in a diary very soon and I'm really going to try and use it properly. I think I'm going to start leaving myself post-its again as well. They're really useful to my short sports of inspiration that are quickly forgotten.

Anyway my internet is being a dick and cutting out every 20mins so i'm gonna go watch Kyle XY
how cute is he?
I know it's lame but I mean really.

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