Wednesday 3 December 2008

No college today

I didn't go to college today, so instead stayed at home watching old episodes of The OC and new episodes of Heroes.

Oh the strife.

Currently sipping camomile tea, watching Sex and the City re-runs and worrying about getting in to Kent Uni.
I don't think my tutor has even sent off my application yet

Also worried about my television binging! Which involves Sex and the City, Kyle XY, Gossip Girl, The OC and very very shamefully (and because it's on whenever I walk in the door) Charmed.
But right now, college sucks people suck and my boyfriend has no money and no phone
so everything is pretty boring!

HOW beautiful are the Manolo Blahnik Hangisis?
I know it's probably very predictable to love these shoes, but come on!

Found a magazine in Australia with my name today
it's very very cute, and the blog is adorable

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