Thursday 26 March 2009

Why did I not blog about Barcelona?

It was awesome.
Me, Jade and a crew did tonssss of arty stuff, saw the sights and sat in parks, drank too much sangria and san miguel and pretended to be Dali for a week, it was amazing.
I definitely want to go back soon.

In other news I love Hamlet.
I even used a Hamlet reference in an argument today because I am l33t.

I also finished Girlfriend in a Coma earlier this week and it was brilliant. The epic speeches at the end were eerie and beautiful.

Currently tidying my room, slowly.
Finbarr shall be here in a week and a few days and I doubt sleeping on top of piles of A2 Politics notes is comfortable. Haha

Sunday 22 March 2009


Last night Felix had people over for his birthday which is next week. The weather was good and we drank beer and played games in his summerhouse, it was lovely. Jade even made fairy cakes.

We also went to stock up at Tescos and got stopped by Deep Cut police cos we were coming out from the bushes.
Rob stumped them with his ID, and they didn't even ask for mine, chaching.
They chatted to us for a bit and then we parted ways, but just as we were walking off one of them said "Stay together. Stay safe." It was genius. Such a catchphrase. haha

Me and rob stayed at his dad's afterwards which was cool, although the cats were throwing themselves at the door that was separating them because they're unbelievably horny. AND BROTHER AND SISTER. haha

In other news, I finished both my scholarship essays and sent them off! So finger's crossed...

college tomorrow though, not good.
Although only two weeks until the easter holidays :D

Tuesday 17 March 2009


today it was sunny enough for me to bring back the plimsolls, and boy it felt good!
It was nice to feel the world beneath my feet again.

I just finished the first draft of my Hamlet scholarship essay. It has taken me forever! But I'm so glad I actually did it.
Andddd I wasn't too late to college today - huzzah!

Tomorrow morning will be interesting though.
me and Jade are doing another photography workshop with Nic the stallion, so good times are ahead.
Then a driving lesson with THE DON in the afternoon. Aaaaalright ;)

Monday 16 March 2009

First really sunny days of the year

And good ones they were too.
Yesterday me and Rob went to London so I could do some photography work. I took some shots of the now crumbling Astoria which made me really nostalgic and emotional!
But then we got some tasty food at Red Veg and then sat on the balcony of the South Bank Centre drinking beer which was lovely.

Todayyyy I was even able to wear my parkway drive VEST (RACK) because of the weather, AND felix bought me my first ice lolly of the summer. DELISH.

Then I processed a film which came out wonderfully, and Felix took photos of army men whilst I triumphantly climbed a hill.
Good times were had by all.

I've also just been told that me Jes and Alice are making carrot cake tomorrow, excellente!

Although I have this huge scholarship essay to write, OHNOES
but this still isn't ruining my good sunny mood :D

Also me and Jade might be taking Felix to Spain for his birthday! haha!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Girlfriend in a Coma

I'm currently reading 'Girlfriend in a Coma' by Douglas Coupland, about 2/3 way through and it's so good!
The book took a huge swerve but I'm still adoring it. He's my new favourite writer, I'm about to order 'Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture', and maybe 'Microserfs'.
I'm also half way through the famous 'The Diving Bell and The Butterfly' translated from 'Le Scaphandre et le Papillon' by Jean-Dominique Bauby, its obviously hugely inspiring and just fantastique, I'm just annoyed at myself for not being able to read it in the language it was written. I might get the film soon as well, I'm interested to see how they pulled it off.

Ooooh and I'm really excited to read 'The Old Man and the Sea' by Ernest Hemingway, I think that might come next after Girlfriend and Diving Bell.

OH and not forgetting the genius that is HAMLET which I'm still committed to. Albeit for college, I still am enjoying it a bit too much.


Today I went in to college in time for second period, missing tutorial. But instead of lessons me Jade and Greg went to a photography workshop, where the lovely Nicolai and Alex showed us some Large Format stuff.
It was awesome, now I'm dying for a large format camera. We even stayed for the second workshop after lunch, but mostly because Nicolai is the hunky italian dreamboat who's been hanging out in the department for ages.
He's actually quite a good photographer too haha.
Me and Jade had our photo taken with the large format and almost definitely had our eyes closed haha so we shall see the terrible outcome of it's incredible quality in a week!

Also it's results day tomorrow.....oh no.