Sunday 22 March 2009


Last night Felix had people over for his birthday which is next week. The weather was good and we drank beer and played games in his summerhouse, it was lovely. Jade even made fairy cakes.

We also went to stock up at Tescos and got stopped by Deep Cut police cos we were coming out from the bushes.
Rob stumped them with his ID, and they didn't even ask for mine, chaching.
They chatted to us for a bit and then we parted ways, but just as we were walking off one of them said "Stay together. Stay safe." It was genius. Such a catchphrase. haha

Me and rob stayed at his dad's afterwards which was cool, although the cats were throwing themselves at the door that was separating them because they're unbelievably horny. AND BROTHER AND SISTER. haha

In other news, I finished both my scholarship essays and sent them off! So finger's crossed...

college tomorrow though, not good.
Although only two weeks until the easter holidays :D

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