Tuesday 10 March 2009

Girlfriend in a Coma

I'm currently reading 'Girlfriend in a Coma' by Douglas Coupland, about 2/3 way through and it's so good!
The book took a huge swerve but I'm still adoring it. He's my new favourite writer, I'm about to order 'Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture', and maybe 'Microserfs'.
I'm also half way through the famous 'The Diving Bell and The Butterfly' translated from 'Le Scaphandre et le Papillon' by Jean-Dominique Bauby, its obviously hugely inspiring and just fantastique, I'm just annoyed at myself for not being able to read it in the language it was written. I might get the film soon as well, I'm interested to see how they pulled it off.

Ooooh and I'm really excited to read 'The Old Man and the Sea' by Ernest Hemingway, I think that might come next after Girlfriend and Diving Bell.

OH and not forgetting the genius that is HAMLET which I'm still committed to. Albeit for college, I still am enjoying it a bit too much.


Today I went in to college in time for second period, missing tutorial. But instead of lessons me Jade and Greg went to a photography workshop, where the lovely Nicolai and Alex showed us some Large Format stuff.
It was awesome, now I'm dying for a large format camera. We even stayed for the second workshop after lunch, but mostly because Nicolai is the hunky italian dreamboat who's been hanging out in the department for ages.
He's actually quite a good photographer too haha.
Me and Jade had our photo taken with the large format and almost definitely had our eyes closed haha so we shall see the terrible outcome of it's incredible quality in a week!

Also it's results day tomorrow.....oh no.

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